Thursday, March 22, 2007

Keeping up with Caedmon's:
March 17, 2007 / 3:58 pm

Be warned. I just played trombone. Through my guitar rig. And then my dad came by the studio. And played trumpet. Through my guitar rig. With a wah pedal. We are awesome.

- Andy

March 17, 2007 / 8:57 pm

Andy’s dad played some killer trumpet, Danielle played some killer scratch vocal, as well as bgvs, and Garett and I tracked drums based on an idea that Danielle heard and it kills. I love that working with this band challenges me to think outside of my own perimeters, whether self-imposed or not. By the way, I mean “kills” and “killer” in a good complimentive way, not at all in a literal way. Did I mention that Ella Osenga is now 2 years old? Well, she is and we took a break from the HOD to celebrate with Guitar Hero II and bratwerst prepared by none other than Mr. O. Tune in tomorrow for more fun filled commentary and perspective…
