Thursday, January 4, 2007

MercatorNet is roundly criticizing Wikipedia. Some of the points are valid - some are not. Seems one shouldn't complain too loudly about free food.
The idea that enough mediocrity can eventually produce excellence is novel and interesting, but unconvincing. A better and perhaps more accurate mantra might be "garbage in, garbage out."

Nancy Pelosi, a California Representative since 1987, is the first woman - and first Californian - to be elected Speaker of the House.
Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison to take his oath of office on a Koran - Thomas Jefferson's Koran. (PM)

I'll refrain from inflammatory commentary. But I will say that...[ooomph!]

UPDATE: AU comments.
I thought so: education is good for you. (PM)

Just not too much of it.
Garrett's been sort of leafing around; now he's back. Thanks for the plug!