Tuesday, July 10, 2007

VOM, Iran:

The Voice of the Martyrs’ contacts in Iran report increased persecution for Christians in Iran. Several Christians have been imprisoned, interrogated and threatened. VOM sources said, “Iranian security forces prompted by the Islamic leadership and Iranian president are trying to wipe out Christianity in Iran. They are angry many Iranian Muslims are choosing to follow Christ.” Pray God protects and sustains Christians in Iran. Ask God to use the testimonies of those being persecuted to draw nonbelievers into fellowship with Him
Yesterday, we received a package from one of those independent mail carriers. I was working on the porch, so the delivery driver had me sign for it. Julia was sitting in the La-z-boy in the living room, watching through the window.

I went to place the package inside and she asked me: "Does that guy not know how to write?"
N. T. Wright was the guest speaker at the 21st Anniversary celebration for the West Yorkshire School of Christian Studies. His topics were "Thinking about God in Tomorrow's World" and "Whatever did St. Paul do with the Kingdom of God?" Audio here. (HT: The Christian Mind)