Monday, April 16, 2007

Instapundit on taxpayer-funded vacations for congressmen:
Actually, I'd rather we did this about 51 weeks out of the year. It's bound to work out cheaper in the end. . . .
David St. Lawrence reports on the latest storm in Virginia, and shares a bit of rural wisdom:
Country life is far more comfortable when you can apply a bit of technology in the right places.
Peter passed his driving test today. Nice job, bro.
Instapundit has a roundup on the Virginia Tech shooting. And Pajamas Media (with a roundup of their own) links to some cell-phone footage from a student.

I'm scratching my head regarding why the crackdown didn't occur at 7:15, when the first call came in.

UPDATE: VA Tech not the deadliest school disaster in U.S. history after all.

UPDATE II: PJM keeps rounding it up. More here.