Saturday, May 26, 2007

After prayerfully considering some thoughtful concerns from a good friend, I have elected to drop the political component of this blog - indefinitely. I see nothing intrinsically wrong with paying attention to politics, but I see great danger in becoming overly entangled. So, with a last "good luck" to Ron, I'm stepping back to clarify my priorities and generally refresh my perspective.

There are two great lies that I've heard / The day you eat of the fruit of that tree / You will not surely die / and that Jesus Christ was a white, middle-class Republican / and if you want to be saved / you have to learn to be like Him....

My first allegiance is not to a flag / a country, or a man / my first allegiance is not to Democracy or blood / it's to a King and a Kingdom....
-Derek Webb
Here's an excellent essay on head coverings from one of WORLD Magazine's most thoughtful writers: Andree Seu.
I read in 1 Corinthians 11 that the woman's head is to be covered in worship. The modern Christian consensus tells me that is a relative and obsolete command, dealing with some first-century problem in the city of Corinth. My high-school literary skills tell me otherwise: The command is rooted in creation (verses 7-9) and in nature (verse 14). And if that weren't ironclad enough, I am to cover my head "because of the angels."

The angel detail is so cryptic, so off the wall, so without explanation, that it becomes the strongest argument of all. Where is the "cultural relativity" case now, where angels transcend all historical agitations?