Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The word of God is not bound! VOM, Iran:
Christian Couple Flee Persecution in North Iran
A Christian couple who led more than 200 church members in a Northern city in Iran have had to flee to a bigger city in order to continue their ministry. After becoming Christians they led their friends and family to the Lord and started a Bible study. Within a year it had grown to a church of 50 people and in two years they had 200 believers. The church spread to more than 10 cities and they started training 24 others to evangelize and continue building up the Body of Christ. "It was during this time that my wife and I noticed the government had found out about us and was pursuing us. We were in constant danger and threat of being arrested," the pastor said. Pray God protects and opens doors for this Christian couple to continue preaching and reaching Iran for Christ.

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