Saturday, May 26, 2007

After prayerfully considering some thoughtful concerns from a good friend, I have elected to drop the political component of this blog - indefinitely. I see nothing intrinsically wrong with paying attention to politics, but I see great danger in becoming overly entangled. So, with a last "good luck" to Ron, I'm stepping back to clarify my priorities and generally refresh my perspective.

There are two great lies that I've heard / The day you eat of the fruit of that tree / You will not surely die / and that Jesus Christ was a white, middle-class Republican / and if you want to be saved / you have to learn to be like Him....

My first allegiance is not to a flag / a country, or a man / my first allegiance is not to Democracy or blood / it's to a King and a Kingdom....
-Derek Webb
Here's an excellent essay on head coverings from one of WORLD Magazine's most thoughtful writers: Andree Seu.
I read in 1 Corinthians 11 that the woman's head is to be covered in worship. The modern Christian consensus tells me that is a relative and obsolete command, dealing with some first-century problem in the city of Corinth. My high-school literary skills tell me otherwise: The command is rooted in creation (verses 7-9) and in nature (verse 14). And if that weren't ironclad enough, I am to cover my head "because of the angels."

The angel detail is so cryptic, so off the wall, so without explanation, that it becomes the strongest argument of all. Where is the "cultural relativity" case now, where angels transcend all historical agitations?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dan of Cerulean Sanctum posts a scathing but clearheaded critique of modern prophecy and includes a compelling story of a true "word of knowledge."

Monday, May 21, 2007

Ron Paul: nowhere on Gallup, everywhere on youtube.

I hope there aren't a bunch of unethical supporters (or detractors!) distorting the stats.

Also, LVMI has just uploaded an economics book by Paul in PDF format.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

Post-SC-Debate Ron Paul roundup:
UPDATE: The Dallas Morning News comments:
In the heat of the moment, this former New Yorker wanted Mayor Giuliani to stalk across the stage and slap Mr. Paul silly. But on reflection, I grudgingly concede that Mr. Paul did us all a favor. He had the guts to suggest before a hostile audience that America needs to think harder about how projecting military power around the world in our customary manner creates blowback. As emotionally satisfying as Mr. Giuliani's response was, indignation is not an argument, and 'How dare you!' is not a response. Mr. Paul was substantially correct and deserved better.
VOM, Pakistan:
The Voice of the Martyrs sources in Pakistan report that Muslim radicals have introduced a law in Parliament that any Muslim who converts to Christianity should be killed. Although the details are sketchy, intercede for this situation and ask God to move so this law does not go into effect. Pray God encourages Christians in Pakistan to be a witness for Him in spite of persecution.

CHARSADDA – On May 7, 2007, Christians in the Charsadda District received letters warning them to shut their churches and convert to Islam. The letter that set a 10-day deadline said, "All Christians should convert to Islam within 10 days or leave Charsadda. We will execute all of you if you don't convert to Islam." Copies of the handwritten letter were delivered to two churches and several Christian homes in Charsadda. Even though the police have been alerted, Christians in the area are concerned for their safety. A similar letter was delivered to believers in Mardan district. Pray God gives Christians in Charsadda courage to stand for Him. Ask for protection and peace to surround them during these uncertain times.
Garrett officially launched his new tech tutorial site - - today. Stop by and check out the first episode if you haven't already, and maybe drop him a line and let him know what you think.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Is the media muffling Ron Paul?

It is interesting that when a candidate comes out on top during these informal voting sessions everyone automatically concludes that their supporters are "clogging the polls." Either we're facing brazenly selective statistics, or else the whole thing is a gigantic waste of time.
Introducing the delightfully devious sniglet:
Accordionated (ah kor' de on ay tid) - adj. Being able to drive and refold a road map at the same time.

It's worth it to read the whole list. And for the technicompulsive...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Toyota is doing some creative - and rather impressive - advertising.
Perfect love, we know, casteth out fear. But so do several other things - ignorance, alcohol, passion, presumption, and stupidity. It is very desirable that we should all advance to that perfection of love in which we shall fear no longer; but it is very undesirable, until we have reached that stage, that we should allow any inferior agent to cast out fear.
-C.S. Lewis

Saturday, May 12, 2007

As part of my quest to take my entire computing life online and free myself completely from local apps, I recently switched to an online accounting register to keep track of my finances. looked the nicest and felt the fastest and most intuitive out of the top Google results. Check it out.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Deploring the insanity of gender quotas. (HT: Instapundit)
Some thoughts on evangelism from The Evangelical Outpost.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

VOM, India:
  • On April 22, Pastor Jayasheelan and eight other believers were beaten by more than 90 people at a prayer meeting in Rajankunte Village. After surrounding the house, the mob shouted slogans and threatened to burn it down if the Christians did not meet them outside. After Pastor Jayasheelan and the others came out of the house, they were beaten and kicked while the police looked on. The pastor was struck on his head, back and hip. The other believers were also injured. They were later jailed in the Central Jail and released after two days. The believers befriended the other prisoners while they were in jail and shared the gospel. Some of the 20 prisoners received Christ.
  • On April 29, Pastor Walter Masih was attacked by Hindu extremists while returning home after Sunday worship. Two young men asked the pastor if he could tell them about Jesus and while the pastor was sharing with them, a group of more than 15 young men started beating Pastor Walter with sticks. This happened in front of Pastor Walter's 7-year-old daughter. While he was being beaten, Pastor Walter prayed loudly for the extremists and this further infuriated them.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Surprise, surprise: Oprah supports Obama.
For my own part I hate and distrust reactions not only in religion but in everything. Luther surely spoke very good sense when he compared humanity to a drunkard who, after falling of his horse on the right, falls off it next time on the left...

A thing does not vanish - it is not even discredited - because someone has spoken of it with exaggeration. It remains exactly where it was. The only difference is that if it has recently been exaggerated, we must now take special care not to overlook it; for that is the side on which the drunk man is now most likely to fall off.

- C. S. Lewis

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Some positive thoughts on Ron Paul from the Democrat side:
If I were watching a debate between Obama and Ron Paul, my stomach would not be churning inside me. I would not be nervously cheering on one of the candidates and booing the other, as if the last and only hope for our country was that one of them would "win" the debate. Rather, I would actually be listening to the debate and making up my mind.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Only in America could you put together a roundup on fluorescent bulbs:
Pretty boring, I agree.

I may get some thoughts posted soon on the recent GOP Debate, but for now, here's a piece on Ron Paul from Reason.

EDIT: Paul won the MSNBC post-debate poll; perhaps his showing wasn't so bad after all.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The pacifism debate continues.
The inevitable implosion of the Islamic worldview?

(HT: Instapundit)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Evangelical Outpost comments, with some welcome sanity, on the new Milblog restrictions:
Instead of criticizing the addition of common sense restrictions, my fellow conservative bloggers should be asking why this change wasn't implemented years ago. How many times do we have to read about the enemy being an "adaptive, cunning, and learning adversary ... unlike most previous experiences" before we figure out where the terrorists are getting their information from? The question that should be asked is how many soldiers lives had to be lost do to poor OPSEC before the generals realized they needed to tell milbloggers to "button your lip!"
Glenn Reynolds on the subtleties of barelinking.
Step aside Gideon, there's another guru in town.

Predictably, Gene Redlin is disgusted.
WORLD comments on the decline of the book review.

I'm trying to do my part!
VOM, Turkey:
The Protestant Church in Smyrna is requesting Christians to pray for the families of the three believers killed on April 18, 2007, in Malatya, Turkey. According to a press release, the church urged Christians to pray that someday the perpetrators of the gruesome murders would receive Christ and for God to use the testimonies of the martyred brothers to draw others in the knowledge of Him.